Nationwide Appraisal Network Announced that its August 2015 deadline to reach the goal of 500 Backpacks for Kids is around the corner.
Tampa, Florida, July 20, 2015 — Nationwide Appraisal Network (NAN), as part of its mission to give back through community involvement and charitable participation, announced that it is nearing the August 2015 deadline for Its 3rd Annual Backpacks 4 Kids School Supply Drive.
NAN’s first backpack drive in 2013 supplied backpacks to 68 students. In 2014, with the help of local sponsors, community and employees, NAN collected enough supplies to fill 348 backpacks to local students helping them start the school year with supplies they need. NAN’s goal for 2015 is to reach 500 backpacks, add more schools as recipients and enlist the help of major corporate sponsors and even sports organizations.
“Our backpack project helps students who are in schools that qualify for supplemental funds to meet their students’ educational goals,” said NAN Co-Founder Joni Pilgrim. “This project helps these students receive greater community support with the partnership of others who want to help children succeed. All of our employees participate. Not because they’re required to, but because they appreciate the value of the project in helping their community.”
NAN Co-Founder Cari Burris said, “The school year is upon us and we are looking for the sponsorship of more companies. When we hit our goal of 500 backpacks, NAN will donate an additional $1,000 to each school”.
Each backpack contains a ring binder, glue sticks, crayons, composition books, spiral notebooks, colored pencils, sticky notes, a large pink eraser, scissors, two pocket folders, pencil sharpener, ruler, zippered pencil pouch, plastic pencil box plus a list of optional supplies including hand sanitizer, colored markers, highlighters, tissues and Band-aids.
As a bonus to those who help NAN with their Pinellas County School Drive, Old Navy is partnering with NAN at the Clearwater location on August 8th to drive more supplies and money to the cause in order to reach this year’s goal of 500 backpacks. Everyone who donates supplies or funds will receive a 10% discount to Old Navy.
NAN wants more company sponsors to help reach the 2015 Backpacks for Kids goal. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or donating supplies, please contact Joni Pilgrim at jpilgrim@nationwide-appraisal.com. Your donation today will help a child tomorrow.
NAN supports other charitable efforts beyond the Backpacks for Kids Drive, including the Children’s Cancer Center, the FEAST Food Pantry, and the Gr8ToDonate program. If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to have you. Please click here and fill out your information, email Joni at jpilgrim@nationwide-appraisal.com or call 888.760.8899.