We Understand Your Valuation Needs

NAN is an industry-leading nationwide appraisal management company (AMC), that manages a panel of over 14,000 independent appraisers. While our capabilities cover all 50 states, NAN’s partnerships are locally based with region-specific appraisal success managers and sales managers that understand your market needs. As a lending partner, you have a direct line of communication with key team members at NAN for a personalized service experience.

NAN is a versatile AMC partner delivering appraisals for residential and commercial properties. Our suite of products includes solutions for reverse mortgage, renovation lending, desktop appraisals, REO appraisals, review appraisals and construction loans.

Appraisal modernization is here, and NAN is proud to offer a variety of alternate products, such as: Automated Valuations (AVM), Broker Price Opinions (BPOs), Property Condition Reports (PCRs), Hybrid Appraisals, Desktop Appraisals, and AVM+Inspection Reports.

NAN combines cutting edge software with licensed real estate professionals to create floor plans required in the desktop appraisal process. This removes the burden for the appraiser resulting in faster turn times.

Pre-prepared Due Diligence and Onboarding Docs

Many of the largest banks, credit unions, and mortgage lenders in the nation trust NAN as an AMC partner, so our vendor due diligence documentation is robust and readily available for review. NAN makes onboarding simple and our technology is integrated with most of the industry’s leading platforms. 

For Lower Risk Second Mortgage/HELOC Origination

For Higher Risk Second Mortgage/HELOC Origination

For Piggyback Second Mortgage/HELOC Origination

For Credit Risk of Second Mortgage/HELOC Loan Portfolios