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Commercial Products
Before real estate investors receive approval for a loan to buy any type of commercial real estate, they need to attain a commercial real estate appraisal of the subject property. A Commercial real estate appraisal is a value assessment on an income-generating property that is performed by a certified general appraiser. Property valuation can be on any kind of commercial real estate, including office buildings, multifamily buildings, retail buildings, etc.
Our Commercial Appraisal Team understands the specific valuation needs for commercial real estate and works with a network of Certified General and MAI certified Appraisers throughout the country who are highly experienced in this property type and understands the valuation strategies used to value commercial properties.
Commercial Valuations
- Commercial Appraisal
- Commercial BPO
- Commercial Sales Comparison Evaluation

- Confirms Current Market Value
- Ensures that a Lender is Assessing Value Properly
- Provides an Idea of the Earning Potential of the Property
This report is the more expensive type of commercial appraisal. This has more detail than the Restricted Appraisal Report. If you are using the appraisal to obtain financing for the purchase or refinance of a commercial property, then this is most likely the report for you. The Appraisal Report format is by far the most widely used of all the available commercial appraisal report formats. The report summarizes all conclusions for the client to understand the appraiser’s rationale. The appraiser must determine if additional detail or explanation is required. Additionally, the report may contain external material references found in company files. From a legal standpoint, it can be depended upon by additional intended users, and for real estate related purposes, this format blends itself as the most applicable in this area.
This report is the less expensive type of commercial appraisal. While the appraiser’s opinions and conclusions must be understood, the report contains minimal detail and the rationale for how the appraiser arrived at those opinions and conclusions may not be understood. A Restricted Appraisal Report is intended only for the client only and may not include any other intended user. This report format can be personalized at the client’s request to meet their needs. If you simply need to know what the property is worth and there is no need to share the report with anyone else, consider this report format.