When I first started working at Nationwide Appraisal Network our team was just ending their 12-week health and fitness challenge. While I was happy for the team for short and long term goals that were set at the beginning of the challenge, I was a little disappointed that I didn’t have a chance to participate. Anyone who knows me is well aware of how competitive I am. Our corporate culture at NAN involves embracing our NANNERS in every aspect with health being one of them. Our family fabric is so tightly woven here and it shows in everything that we set our minds to. We have a strong group of NANNERS and building a strong and SMART link between personal wellness and our organization is motivating when it involves improving quality of life. Having healthy employees is a win-win for NAN. According to the Wellness Council of America, wellness programs reduce sick-leave absenteeism by an average of 26.8 percent, healthcare costs by 26 percent, and workers-compensation and disability-management claims costs by 32 percent.
This year I was especially excited about starting another challenge after speaking with many NANNER’s who had personal goals that they wanted to achieve yet found it hard to get started again. I knew this was a mission I had to tackle! We have recently started our 2nd annual challenge – NANFIT! NANFIT is our new 12-week health and wellness competition. The winner is measured by body fat percentage lost. As an incentive, there are prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. To gear up for the NANFIT challenge, we offer educational support by providing a free video library of exercise DVD’s, fitness articles, food journals, recipes, and healthy lifestyle magazines. Our insurance carrier also offers free articles and videos accessible at any time. Several local gyms have offered discounted fees for membership and personal training. We’re also planning healthy pot luck lunches for our employee meetings, offering healthy snacks available at all times and encouraging our NANNERS to buddy up and walk on their breaks. We have a WII in the break room with several fitness games available at all times. Every year as a company we also participate in local mud runs or charity walks. Training for the runs together also helps with team building and gets everyone excited to participate.
Our team built their reputation around SOLID teamwork in appraisal management and it definitely shows outside the office as well. Having healthier NANNERS is something that we will always embrace in our office. Research indicates wellness programs improve the health, morale and productivity of employees and enhances communication and loyalty. We can count on the fact that if we impact the wellness of our NANNERS, our NANNERS can then share and inspire others in their lives. That means the world to us. It’s that SIMPLE.