“This award is truly an honor. To be in the company of such pioneers, risk takers, and innovators motivates me to do more, take action, and be the best I can possibly be for myself, my team, and my family.”
Joni Pilgrim is the founder and CEO of Nationwide Appraisal Network (NAN). Since founding NAN in 2004, the company has grown into one of the nation’s most trusted AMCs for residential and commercial appraisals. Pilgrim’s passion for the industry is exemplified in the successful business she has built from the ground up, in a garage with no AC during the summer in Florida. Over the years, NAN has implemented cutting-edge processes to revolutionize the appraisal process. NAN uses advanced data and analytics and performance-based appraiser incentives to optimize the selection of appraisers through key performance indicators, allowing NAN to select the best appraiser for every assignment.
Joni embraces diversity in the workplace. She believes there is no one-person-fits-all and differences among each employee at NAN fosters the long-standing relationships with their clients. Pilgrim truly believes change is the only constant, and you must always plan ten steps ahead and stay hungry. Pilgrim is truly a leader who creates leaders.
Joni Pilgrim is highly involved with her local community. In 2013, Joni created Backpacks 4 Kids, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to 21 different Title 1 schools in Pinellas county. Last year alone the program raised over $15,000. Since 2012, she has also worked to collect and donate hundreds of pounds of food for Feast Food Pantry. Joni is an active supporter of the Children’s Cancer Center and their Holiday Adopt-A-Family Program.
See the full issue here: https://wwvmag.com/issue/nov-2020-4/