4 Reasons Nationwide Appraisal Network’s Broadcast Feature ROCKS!

By November 13, 2013AMC Technology

Did you know that Nationwide Appraisal Network as recently implemented a broadcasting feature that enables us to provide our clients the ultimate in faster service by way of appraiser assignment?

This broadcasting feature is all about better service and nothing more.

It’s important to note while reading this blog, this service has nothing to do with or ever will have anything to do with making appraisers bid for the lowest fees. It’s all about reaching multiple appraisers in one area in a more timely and efficient manner in order to provide the best service to our clients with regards to time frames.

We will continue to remain one of the highest paying appraisal management companies in the industry and will never allow for our appraisers to compete on fees. We pay reasonable and customary fees and update our fee schedules quarterly to ensure we are in line with appraiser feedback.

Now back to the topic.

In simple terms, this broadcasting feature means:

  1. NAN can send an assignment to multiple appraisers in one market to receive quick response.
  2. Appraisers can accept assignments based on our turn time requirements or enter their projected completion dates.
  3. Appraisers can provide responses pertaining to the property instantly.
  4. Appraiser can quickly decline if they cannot meet the required due date.

We are very excited about the recent launch of this feature as we have already seen the benefits we have gained with regards to communication, tracking, and turn times. Our appraisers are getting the information they need up front and we are able to assign multiple orders out quicker than ever.

Something to look for in the near future is our new phone app! Appraisers will soon be able to use the app on their smart phones to respond and communicate on new and existing assignments. Technology is a driving force behind our commitment to service and quality to our clients and our appraiser vendors. Every day we strive to move in a forward direction and offer our clients and appraiser the best!

For more information on Nationwide Appraisal Network, please email info@Nationwide-Appraisal.com. We look forward to hearing from you.


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