Secret to a successful AMC…Getting the right people in the right place.

I strongly believe in the idea of knowing your people’s strengths and weaknesses and putting in the position where they will succeed and thrive and grow the company.  Many times when we bring on new team members, it’s for a specific department and position.  We go through the ad placement, interview process, background check process, and finally offer the position to who we feel is the best candidate.

Once the new team member comes on board, their first day is spent in orientation.  This is a full day of learning the history of the company, our purpose and mission, organization of departments, corporate culture, company handbook, introduction to the team, and introduction to our software.   During orientation the new team member will receive a calendar which spans over 4 weeks that details how their time will be spent training in all departments before they train in their specific department.

We train every new team member in each department.  Their last week is spent at home base, training and learning the ins and outs.  We believe that it takes approximately 90 days for a new team member to learn the ropes and understand the process.  After the 90 day period, we meet to review and go over any areas where we need more time and training and lay out expectations for the rest of the year.

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